My Tenth Newsletter
1 April 2001
April Fool's Day. But we can only be fooled - or fools - if we let
it happen to ourselves. If we stay involved and aware. If we ask
the questions, then we cannot be fooled.
And this week, let's look at what we should all welcome, question and
understand: the changing face of the United States. This past
Friday, March 30th, the last of the state-by-state figures were
released by the US Census Bureau and they show
a radically changed nation, fulfilling the promise intended by its
Founders: a welcoming place for those who wish to be free (even if
the Founders were not especially tolerant themselves!).
Look at the 1 April New York Times, "U.S. Now More Diverse,
Ethnically and Racially," and also
check out their truly informative archive of census maps, charts and
interactive features at
Today's graphic of the entire nation reflecting its diversity is not
yet online but check back to see it. And if you choose "A New Look
at Race In America" under their multimedia section, you'll see a map
pop-up where you can choose information about your home state.
In California where I live, the majority of the population is now
people of color. Throughout the country, factors of race, economics
and diversity are resulting in shifting concern groups and
redistricting for representation. It is up to all of us to ensure
that the political interest blocks are not solely about race and
diversity but of various individuals and ideologies joining in many
different and changing coalitions to get what they want done.
Another way not to be "fooled": VOTE. Spring elections are not over
and the local issues throughout the country that we face can be the
ones that determine the paths of our lives. And upcoming: special
elections, fall elections and then, the gearing up for the federal
contests of 2002. In "off-year" elections, those who run your towns,
cities, states, as well as school boards are chosen. In these
elections, decisions about energy policy, transportation, community
centers and land development are made.
Last week I spoke to a middle school in Central California and it was
sad to hear the response of an 8th-grader to my query if anyone had
been active in the Fall election cycle. Her response, "I tried to
get my parents to vote, but they wouldn't." In the overcrowded
school district, if enough parents had come out to vote, perhaps
funding and people dedicated to building new facilities might have
eased her pathway through education.
For those new to this newsletter, I am the author of TEEN POWER
POLITICS: MAKE YOURSELF HEARD, a new issue-oriented book for young
Americans on civic and political activism. Engagement is integral to
our democracy and youth and young voters - citizens and residents
already - definitely have the voice, power, intelligence, sense of
justice, passion and energy to give the benefit of their
participation right now! My website
and this newsletter provide updates on current issues along with
resources for change.
A. A key letter reminding me about corporate globalization concerns.
A reader and Boston College student wrote me after the 9th Newsletter
as follows: " I haven't heard much on the recent
anti-globalization movement and the involvement young people have had
therein. At least, not from the news
clippings written in your mailing list. what's up with that?"
Looking back over my newsletters (yes, I have forgotten what I wrote
about and am now being more organized!), I see that I have not talked
about corporate globalization although TPP, the website, brings this
up in the issues and activism sections at and as cited
A quick definition of "corporate globalization": The increasing
mergers of larger and larger businesses/corporations into
multinational conglomerates whose economic interests often override
concerns for the health, culture and well-being of the inhabitants or
eco-systems of the nations where they operate. Since many of the
individuals who run such corporations are not from the country or
community where their businesses are carried out, their consideration
of local concerns are lacking. The anti-globalization movement in
the words of the website, CorpWatch, "counters corporate-led
globalization through education and activism. We work to foster
democratic control over corporations by building grassroots
globalization--a diverse movement for human rights, labor rights and
environmental justice."
The concerns of individual citizens as well as our larger global
interests become affected by what these often country-sized (in
economic terms) corporations do. What are some of the issues?
Environment. Economics. Women's Rights & Gender Issues. Human
Rights (including the child labor/sweatshop issues discussed in the
last newsletter). Biotechnology/Biosafety and Biodiversity.
Indigenous Concerns. Health. Peace and Security. Tourism and
Trade. Energy Resources.
In l999, the general populace started to become aware of these issues
through the effective protests held in Seattle opposing the WTO
(World Trade Organization) meetings. Many of the participants were
high school and college youth and for the most part, the
demonstrations were powerful but not violent. On TPP's website,
check out the letter from Alexandra Bradbury, then 16 and a junior at
Seattle's Garfield High School, who participated in the November l999
WTO protests/
1. To learn more about these issues and various means of combating
increasing economic globalization, use your search engines under
"corporate globalization" and check out these sites:
Independent Media Center
The Ruckus Society (good links to other activism sites)
Teen Power Politics: Make Yourself Heard
2. For two great film documentaries, check out Big Noise Films, a
non-profit media collective (All proceeds from their projects return
to the communities in which they were filmed in the form of
humanitarian aid) at for
(a) "Zapatistas", a documentary featuring music by: Rage Against The
Machine, Neil Young And Crazy Horse, Ozomatli, Dj Vadim, Peanut,
Butter Wolf, and Silvio Rodriguez and chronicling the uprising by
indigenous citizens of Chiapas, Mexico against repression by the
government and their recognition that their situation is directly
affected by the forces of corporate globalization. I've seen this
documentary and admire its informative take on the issues.
(b) "This is What Democracy Looks Like", which "weaves the footage of
over 100 videographers from the Independent Media Center into a
gripping document of what really happened [at the WTO protests] on
Seattle streets in 1999."
3. A totally different view of what the digital divide might mean re
indigenous cultures: "Digital Divide or Dividend?" By THOMAS L.
FRIEDMAN 16 March 01.
1. Drugs - the status of the War on Drugs. A complicated issue to
say the least but current policies against dealers, against other
countries, against our youth are not working. It seems time to
re-evaluate and learn what we can really do. Here's several
introductory URLs as you determine your own position:
2. From the South Florida Sun Sentinel: "Tax Relief Will Not Benefit
Millions Of Children" by Raul Yzaguirre
(pay archive): "President Bush's tax proposals will be of no
benefit to millions of children, including a large number of Latino
and African-American children.
3. Campaign Finance Reform. So many citizens from all sides of the
political fence agree that the gross amount of money in elections is
subverting our democracy from the voice of the people. I urge you to
stay on top of this issue RIGHT NOW as the McCain Feingold bill
continues through the Congress. Check out this site as well:
4. Energy - ah energy. Well, I do live in California. Yes we
didn't stay aware of what was going on with our utilities in recent
years and now we are wondering how to take back control. But where
is the check on this privatization? Every state needs to understand
what happened here. Check out Robert Scheer's great column comments
in the Sunday (1 April) Los Angeles Times
5. For women - there is a new marketing venture out there trying to
pass off a strong Prozac-type drug to accommodate what might be just
PMS. Its use can be dangerous. Check out "Misleading Millions?: How
one drug company is making dough off your period each month." by Lucy
Maher on ChickClick.
1. Blue Jean Online is for teen female journalists. Here's what they say:
"blue jean online is devoted to publishing what young women are
thinking, saying, and doing! Here your creative work can be published
for a worldwide audience of young women to experience! Submit your
writings, artwork, photography, comics, crafts, animations, original
music, and anything you want us to consider for publication." Check
out their site at and their submission
guidelines at
2. Youth In Control is a project of Youth Radio. This newly launched
site is a place where students at Youth Radio can express themselves
in a multimedia environment while learning valuable skills in
journalism and web, audio and video production. It is also a place
where youth all over the world can interact with us and hear what we
have to say.
3. Freezerbox Magazine is good to look at
and possibly to write for as they say they are a " a forum for good
thinking and good writing [that will] will include both professional
and non-professional writers alike.
Activist-oriented essays that include non-mainstream views on current
events as well as links to sources of further information are
especially encouraged. We also publish fiction, reviews, photography
and art--as well as non-political essays."
4. A cool site, "High School Underground" where students can express themselves.
There's a great article called "Channeling Rebellion" by a 45
year-old author and journalist and a forum for all sorts of kids to
say what they think.
D. HERE'S WHAT I'M READING, a young adult content
and commerce hub linking a national network of alternative city and
content Web sites and local alternative newspapers online.
2. Because it's now National Poetry Month, Knopf Publishing Group has
once again instituted its daily "Poem-A-Day" email posts. Poetry is
a wonderful way to think about stuffas the content is not only the
subject of political concern at times, but also one of the sublime
political tools around. And it can be just beautiful! To subscribe,
In response to my Free The Children note in Newsletter #9, a friend
wrote me to tell me about an important group in California, the Human
Rights Watch Student Task Force, a group of students and teachers from high schools and colleges in the Los
Angeles and San Francisco areas who are passionately committed to the
fight for human rights, specifically the rights of children and young
adults worldwide.
There is action we can all take now
( and these
students are showing us the way. Check out also the Human Rights
Watch publication, "Fingers To The Bone: United States Failure To
Protect Child Farmworkers"
website, TPP was written as a guide
and a tool for activism. If ever that tool was needed, it is now.
Again, please let me know of a concern or activity you would like me
to tell others about. And send this on to others and suggest that
they e-mail me if they would like to be added to this list (or if
they wish to be removed).
Thanks for taking the time to read this! If you received this twice,
please let me know as I refine my list.
Sara Jane Boyers
B. Current news & concerns
C. Make Yourself Heard! Opportunities for involvement
D. What I'm Reading
E. Another Letter
a. Lindesmith Center-Drug Policy Foundation, America's leading
nonprofit organization working on "harm reduction," an alternative
approach to drug policy and treatment that focuses on minimizing the
death, disease, crime and suffering caused both by drug use and by
the drug war.
b. "Harm Reduction: A Unifying Movement" by Jessica Meyer, WireTap
January 2, 2001
Is "harm reduction" a real solution to drug problems, or just another
catch phrase the adults in our lives try to push on us? Health
educator and activist Jessica Meyer takes us on a journey from her
local needle exchange site to a national conference to find out what
harm reduction is about, and how it may be relevant to all of our
c. "Drugs and college financial aid Students (and Senators?) vs. the
Drug War" Philip Smith, March 13, 2001
According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 33
percent of all kids would not benefit from the Bush tax plan. But for
Latino children, the number is 56 percent while for African-American
children it is 55 percent."
She reminds me that the activism to protect children worldwide is
also necessary right at home and thus, youth in the STF are
"currently working on promoting some legislation to protect migrant
farm worker children who work in the fields without any of the usual
child labor protections other children have. Our recent HRW report
found that these kids were working long hours, are exposed to
pesticides, not given proper water despite the heat and were not
given medical care. Tom Harkin is developing a bill and [the
students] are promoting it with their congressional reps." In the
HRWCalifornia's Spring newsletter, two of the students lay out their
political strategy, "HRW Student Task Force Organize to Pass CARE
Act" (at bottom of newsletter)
Press/Twenty-First Century Book ISBN: 0-7613-1391-5, paper $9.95/ISBN
0-7613-1307-9 hardcover, $25.90
© 2001 Sara Jane Boyers